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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • He turns nasty eventually D:

    (Baldrick, Blackadder and Prince George are playing charades)
    BALDRICK: *mimes to say the thing he's going to mime is a book*
    BLACKADDER: It's a book.
    BALDRICK: Well done Mr. B, didn't think you'd get it that quickly.
    >-> ... <-< ... ^-^

    (...! That does sound like fun! Especially on a sunny morning. :3

    At school, I usually wake up at 8, go to breakfast, come back to my room, get ready, and then leave for school at 9 and go to meet with my friends in a building called the AC. And then we hug each other, talk, and do whatever else we do, and then school starts at 9:40~ xD)
    Awww :<

    Ish funneh. Though Blackadder is nice through most of it... BLASPHEMY

    "Looked like a fat git to me."
    "Mr Baldrick, you cannot judge people on outward appearances; peel away the layers of a fat git and I'm sure you'll find-"
    "A thin git."

    "Mrs Scratchit, Tiny Tom is fifteen stone and built like a brick privy! If he eats any more heartily, he will turn into a pie shop!"

    Come on, Lassie, pet it. I know you wanted a pony when you were younger, but this is close enough. :3
    ... Who told you that?! D:< Fine... *walks over and pets the lion's belly*

    (Whoa. I wanna be able to do that! 8D but I usually just end up waking up at 8-ish in the morning. D: Luckeh~ :3)
    ... *idea'd* Lassie... you wouldn't happen to have fish in your car would you? For like a snack of something?
    No. Don't be stupid. D:<
    *pulls out fish from glove compartment* ...?
    ... o.O
    *throws fish at the lion*

    (Lucky. xD Although I do have me coffee~ :D And yay for sleeping! :D)
    ... Is it the Cowardly Lion? C:
    o.O *runs back to his car and pulls out his gun, just in case*

    (I know! I feel the exact same way! C: )
    Yay! I'm not going to die todaaaaay~ :D

    (Whoa, I watched an episode of Psych last night and I realized that Lassie called Shawn by his first name instead of calling him Spencer. :DDD)
    Whoooooooa~ @.@

    wait... maybe i didn't need the roller coaster. *pukes on the ground* >:
    Maybe going on a roller coaster or something will make me sick and then I'll puke? @.@
    Whoa. It makes you hiccup... or maybe it makes you drunk? DDD:

    Hmmm... *drinks bleach* C: .... DDDDx
    o.O I guess it's better than drinking it...

    But that's still... weird. o.o
    Well, I asked my sister, and she didn't know. Then I asked my mom and she said that she just thought you pour it into your ear or something. xD

    (Nyahaha? o.o Alrighty then...)
    Uhhhhhhh... good question. o.o How about you just bleach your eyes instead? or umm...

    (Alrighty I guess Lassie'll do it then. :3
    ... D:< *goes over to the guy* You okay?)
    DDDDD: *gives you a bucket of Brain Bleach*

    (... Is he even okay? I mean Lassie did shoot him... o.o)
    Wiki? Hmmm... I think I get it. o.o
    It's addicting~ @.@

    (Who, Typh, who? D:)
    ... Why does he get to be so cool? o.O

    (Wow... he's more badass than I thought. xD
    I got him! :D)
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