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  • ... I can't remember. 8D
    ... D:<

    (YES. 8DDDD I haven't watched in a long time though. D:)
    Nooooo! D:

    (... OMG. Typh.. I am now convinced that we are related somehow. o.O I played Archery too and went to Nationals in Kentucky for it. o.o Whoo Archery~ :D

    AVATAR! :D)
    *chases Shawn* >:D

    (Oh, I'm guessing you go back to school in September then? :3)
    Shawnie! DDD:

    (UGH. I'd hate it if my school did that. Dx

    Speaking of school, school starts pretty soon for me. Yay. D:)
    ... Do you want something Spencer? D:<
    He does~ He does~ Right Shawnie? :D

    (Yay! I found it. :D

    Wait you have school already? Or was it just an over-summer-break thing you had to do? Either way, ugh... D:)
    I think Lassie's a bit whipped, eh? xD Especially when Shawnie wants him to do something~
    I AM NOT! DDD8
    Are too~ :D

    (ZUCCHINI~ ♥ They're really good, and it's fun to say. :D

    Peruvian heritage, huh? That's sooo cool compared to my German heritage. 8DD

    Ooh ooh, it was on Shawnie's shirt? :D)
    DDDD: See?
    ... D:< Fine.. I won't use my gun if I don't have to...

    (SOUP! What kind? :D

    As far as I know we're having like... Mexican or something. Yummy enchiladas~ :D)
    Whaaaaat? That stopped them from fighting, right? D:<
    ... o.O Just... be careful where you point that.
    (That's what she said? xD)

    (Yes, and then you should get one too. :D)
    ... Look what you started Lassie! D:<
    I didn't do anything! *picks up gun, accidentally pulls the trigger, but the bullet doesn't hit anyone* ... o.O
    .. O.O Lassie...

    (I didn't draw it. It was from a couple of years ago, when I didn't have bangs. xD

    YOU CAN DO IT! :D xDD)
    >:DDD Go Lassiter~ Here... use this gun. :3 *gives Lassiter his gun*
    ... Well at least the fire's out. :DD ... right?

    (Go HumanTyph go. :D Actually I have an anime-style drawing of my face and I have cat ears and stuff. It's pretty awesome. ^o.o^

    xDD That made me lol. And for the record, it took me forever to draw those boobs! It was haaaaaaarrrd. DD8 I'm sure you couldn't do any worse than I did. xD)
    Murkrow! :DDDD *picks up* And a Meowth! :DDDD
    Uh oh... uhh... Typh? You may have to freeze Gligar's arm or summat. o.O

    (Ooh... Girafarig is spelt the same way forwards and backwards. xDDD [/random]

    I need to name something Shawn, cause I have a Luxio called Lassiter already. xD

    OOH! Like Typhtortle? :D)
    O.O WHAT?! *looks* What are those things?! More?! D:<
    Uh oh... I think they're hatching... o.o

    (NEVAR! xD

    eeee~ Remakes~ :DDDD If I got it, I'd probably get HG~ You?

    Hmmm... maybe. That could be what would Henry do? or what would MacGyver *shotshot* xP)
    *looks up at Lassie* :D
    We're partners! :D
    ... DDDDDD8

    (The scenarios -are- awesome. xDD

    Okay, so next tought situation I'm in I'll just be like, "Hmmm... what would Lassie do?" and then everyone around me will think I'm talking about the dog. xD)
    Yeah... no... I would still use a gun. >:D

    (Alrighty Latonya Messerscmidt. xD *shot*

    I got 100% on Lassiter or Juliet. My psych mate is Lassie. I got 100% on WWLD, and my partner is... Lassie. xDD Then I took it again and got Jules. xD

    Alrighty, I sense a pattern here. xD And I am going to ask that from now on too. xDDD )
    No, I wouldn't. I said I would leave you alone, didn't I? In fact, I have absolutely no clue what's been going on with you now. =P

    Also, I've been avoiding you lately; I have this gut feeling that you hate me, but that's just my gut speaking. I sent the friend request because I just can't stand losing a friend is all— even if said friend is one I'm leaving alone.
    ... Where are the guns? D:
    Awwwww. DDD: *picks up Gligar*

    (I'm Holland Petalpockets. xD You?)
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