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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • ... What? It was evidence in a case, I just left it in my car accidentally. o.O


    O.M.G. That has got to be the awesomest thing I've heard in a long time. :DDDD)
    O.O What is that?! And how did it get in my car?! D:<
    *runs around* Aaaaaaaaa! Typh! Doesn't that... hurt? D:

    (I didn't like it at first but now it is awesome~ xD

    Jersey? Really? :DD That makes you so much more awesome. :DD

    Isn't that where Princeton Plainsboro is? *shotshotshot* xD)
    Course only one thing is REALLY USEFUL in an emergency

    Oh and speaking of deliciousness I GOT A NEW JAR OF NUTTY :D
    (And I've never had octopus or lobster. And technically neither are fish. You Fail Biology Forever >:3)
    Unless he kept using his Emergency Sex Hammer and had to keep replacing the glass box. (Incidentally "Emergency Sex Hammer" is an awesome phrase :o)

    I dun liek fish D:

    (It's fine, cause I gots my coffee~ :DD And right now, coffee seems more satisfying than smoked salmon~ But I've never tried smoked cod before. o: )
    I wasn't glaring at you, I was glaring at her. *points to Mercy Dees* D:<
    DDD8 I didn't do anything! D:

    (Fiiiiiish~ Mmmm... now I really want some smoked salmon. D:

    Ahahahahahaha. Tea and cod, eh? xDDD)
    Oh fine I was wrong. But it wouldn't cost $100 million just to seal Jordan in a glass box as Dr Cox postulated.

    And :D
    I was watching Scrubs today and I noticed something unsettling
    They guy they X-ray in the opening sequence?
    According to his X-ray
    True, I guess. :3
    *whispers to Shawn* It was for the fangirls Shawnie, the fangirls. :D
    That's.. not true! D:
    Fine. D:< I... uh... accidentally... pushed you really hard into that rail... I'm sorr... I'm sorry. D:
    Oh... you remember? Yes, then you'd remember that HE *points at Hector* bashed you into the rail right? o:
    *whine* D:
    ^o.o^ H-How did you...?
    YAY! :DDDD Now we can fix the door and go flying in Lassie's magical car. xD

    (That I be! :DDD)
    ... D8 And I.... threw your phone! DDD:

    (DO WHAT YOU WANT CAUSE- *shotshotshot* xD)
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