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  • DDD8 *puts mouth to his ear* Do you have a screwdriver? We need to fix my car. T-T*

    (I picked a pirate bandage, it felt more... fitting. xD

    bandages of epic proportions? YES :DDDD)
    *shakes Shawn gently* Wake up Spencer! Come on. D:<

    (I hope we have those pirate or ninja bandages that we used to have! 8DDD)
    ...? DDD8 *forgot* Dammit Spencer had better wake up.


    Omg, this may sound weird, but my dog just scratched me and it started bleeding and stuff. And then I noticed it was in the shape of like an "i" or an "!" depending on which way you look at it. xDD *weird*)
    Well do you think I carry a screwdriver around me all the time? D:< Ask Spencer, he probably has one.
    ... Why do you need a screwdriver? o.o
    Why not? :D
    Woof. *nudges Wilson to make sure he's okay*

    (Oh god, I think I rather like Wilson on Speed. xD)
    D:< Are you accusing me of having speed every morning before my shift?
    Woof? o.o *stares at Wilson*

    (I'll borrow little Lassiter then. :DD)
    ^-^ ... Cute littl-HEY! That's my energy bar! DD8
    SPEED! :DDDD Yay Wilson!

    (I know you know that I'm not telling the truth? o:

    I would take Lassiter and all the other kittens in a heartbeat. C: )
    On SPEED? :DD *looks at Wilson expectantly, maybe for some jazz hands or something* xD
    My car! :DDD And Lassiter! *pets cat* C:

    (I couldn't resist the speed thing. Who knows, maybe Wilson will actually be on speed with the zombies. o: )

    Are we continuing this fight or not >:/

    No no let's have a trope fight :o I say a trope and you say one that beats it, etc.

    Suck out the poison.
    Just a few energy bars. It was for my morning shift. Why? D8

    (testicular elephantitis~ You're right, it does. xD)
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