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  • Could you imagine how crazy it would be if Wilson's dog Hector was here? xD
    ? *keeps petting*
    Woof WOOF! *runs* :DD
    Hector?! 8D
    :3 *pets*
    :DD Shawnie, meet Shawnie, Lassie, meet Lassiter? xD

    (Who turned out to be little girl cat, but that's beside the point. xD Ooh! What color is little Lassiter? :D)
    Cute. :DD Ooh and that's a good idea. :D
    o.o? *grabs and holds* :D
    ... LITTLE BOY CAT! xD

    (I couldn't resist~ xD)
    :D *grabs Wilson* Look! It's a kitty Typh! :3

    :DDDDD It's just like Lassie. :D That's so perfect! What about Hugh and Steven? Are they bffs and play on the piano? :D

    (Yep! xDDD I dunno who built it either, but I heard that too. And I think Grant made one that was sooo hard to beat. :D)
    *gives a ball of yarn instead* C:
    Hmmm... Lassiter has his teeth as a weapon and always uses it. And Lassie has a gun for his weapon and always uses it. I'm sensing a pattern here! :D

    (Oh YEAH! Awww... poor Grant. :3 I like Grant, he used to make BattleBots. I looooved that show when I was little. :D Ever seen it?)
    :DDD Cute! It's a kitten!

    Ooh... speaking of kittens... how's Lassiter and the others? :D

    (I know. I remember in the Benjamin Franklin case where they did the kite and the key thing, the kite moved and the key hit Tory in the crotch. xD;)
    *gives Typh a ribbon that says "Badass" on it* :3

    (Oh noes~ Poor Adam and Jamie. D: And Tory, and Grant, and Kari. D:

    Speaking of Tory, he's so cute, isn't he? In like... childish way. xD)
    DDD:< Yes we should
    Go Typh go! :DDD

    (Omg, it's Buster! :DDD Yay for Buster fanart! <3)
    *helps Lassie into the boat* :3
    Great, now I'm all wet Spencer. D:<

    (Waaaaaant~ <3)
    ^/////^ Wow... she's tough. *swims to the boat*
    Get over here Lassie. D:

    (Seriously?! :DDDDDD)
    Omg. Typh is a badass! :DDD
    ^o.o^ *swims too*

    (:DDDD yay!

    Hm... now I want to watch Dirty Jobs or Mythbusters~ xD)
    ... O.O Swim away Spencer! *starts swimming*
    Get back on the boat~ DDD:

    (Omg, I love Dirty Jobs too. xD I haven't watched it in a while though, but it is funny~)
    Yay! :D and I'd actually think that Shawn's hair would be harder. I've tried it before, and it didn't really work. xD

    *wakes up* Sharks? I'll shoot them with me gun. :3
    Lassie's talking like a pirate kinda? oooo:

    (Awwww... I missed Shark Week? DDD:)
    Can I steal your drawing skills? :D Cause I wanna be able to make Shawn and Lassie that cute. :D
    I know! I was thinking that too when I saw him pushing him on the counter. xDD Ahhh cute little Shassie bloopers. xD

    OMG FANART? I want see! :DDDDDD
    EEEEEE~ :D

    There's a blooper where Lassie is giving Gus a shoulder massage. xD
    Omg, I loved the victory lap. xD It was awesome~

    ... o: Which Shassie blooper is this? :D?
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