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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • Where is the lid, followed shortly by Hugh Lauries "death"
    Slightly mad
    Derek *sound of a pen dropping onto a desk*
    Reluctant reporter
    Oprah Winfry spoof (Laurie in a dress what the heck?? X3)
    Micheal Jackson interveiw spoof
    How to and not to treat trick-or-treaters

    There were a lot more, but I'm done listing.
    DDDDDD8 YOU! *points to House* Get over here now, police emergency! *flashes badge*

    (DDDD: )
    *shrugs* It's good to have an open mind, but you shouldn't let peer presure drive you to do something you don't want to.

    Change of topic.
    Check your e-mail. Than reply here. (mostly because we could just as easily chat aout it here)
    *realizes everyone is watching*.. O.O Uhhh... *lets go* You deserbed that Spencer! D:< Uh...

    (Hahahaha~ :333)
    ... D8 I hurt you Spencer? D8

    (Jerk chicken is what he wants. xDD Or... pineapples? Just kidding~)
    Ah, is it really THAT boring Typh? I find it fun to anilize bible text, there are so many sybolic phrases and the over all ridiculosness of some of it is fun. I mean really, women were sculpted from a mans rib? Come on, that's just silly.
    GIVE ME THE TAPE SPENCER! DDDDDD8< *keeps pushing him against the rail*
    ... Or better yet, just throw the tape into the water! Hurry. D8<
    Wow. Lassie's a bit crazy thar... o.o

    (YES. xDDD)
    *grabs the tape of proof and throws it* O'Hara was bored and... learned how to do special effects to make us look like that! D:<
    *grabs tape and then throws it to Shawn* Now Shawnie has it! :D
    D8 Spencer! Give me the tape! *uncuffs him, grabs him, and pushes him onto the railing* Give it! DDD8<
    Hehe... looks like you just proved our point for us. :DDDDD ♥

    (Haha... I couldn't resist~ ;) )
    Wha-What are you talking about?! I never... D:<
    Don't deny it Lassie. :D You know you liked it~
    I have no idea what you're talking about! D:<

    (Actually, I was wondering if for Shawn's punishment if he should try to catch him and push him on a counter... or railing? Or something like that. xDDD *shotshot*)
    what is up.
    are you going to kick me out of your circle of freinds like Skroy and Scyther now?
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