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  • Well don't you think Lassie kinda has a cru-
    No! D:< It's not how you think it is!
    Are you sure~?
    Yes! D:< *walks over to Shawn, takes his phone, and throws it into the water* No more prank calling! >:D
    Hey! That's my gun! D:< And I have no more spares!
    Calm down Lassie. :D oh and don't hurt poor Shawnie. Or Gus.
    D:< *handcuffs Shawn to a mast* There. That's not too violent, is it? D:<
    Ooh... did you mean for that to be kinda kinky, Lassie? C:
    NO! o////o
    Oh. I see. :D Even though you and Gus prank called him several times. *shotshotshot*
    I'm still gonna get you for that one Spencer.... and you too Guster. D:<
    o.o... Wow Shawnie. Violent much? xD
    >:D The bird's gone now. Plan B would've involved my gun. :3
    O.o Whoa there Lassie...
    it's mainly the shape of his/her face that makes me think that, but it is possible for me to imagine him/her with facial hair.
    fantina would make a great magypsy.
    well it's pretty mch the same.
    do you agree that darach is a bastard, thorton is a nerd and fantina looks like a man?
    DDDDDDDDD8 *also saw snowglobe*
    Uh oh... D: *hugs Lassie and Lassiter* D:
    *runs around crazily because of the fastness* Dx
    Hmm.. I wonder... *shows Lassiter a snowglobe* :D

    :DD woof woof!

    Gogogogogogo! :DDD
    *whinewhine* D: *nudges House with his nose*
    Poor little Hector. ;(
    DDDD: *hugs Lassiter*
    (Haha... that sounds so weird. xD)

    Woof woof! :D *licks Wilson's hand*
    Let's just hope he doesn't pee on House or something. D:
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