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  • Well that makes sense too. xD

    .... And I'm... just gonna shut up right about now. xD
    Yes. I think the same for me too <33

    It'd be like the Psych-Outs, except it'd be an episode!
    I've never seen Glee, but I really want to now. I was just introduced to the songs, and I've heard the show is awesome.

    EXACTLY! Or Shawn making an 80's reference in song~ ♥
    Funny you should say that, I'm listening to glee music on YouTube right now. xD

    I want to see that too. It would be amazing~ ♥
    Of course. Haha. I was talking to my sis about how they should make a musical ep of Psych and she just looked at me, unamused and said "You just want to see Lassie sing." And right then, I had flashbacks of Lassie singing and stripping. And I just said, "Oh, don't worry. I've already seen that <3"

    I see you girls checking out my junk~ xD I love Flight of the Conchords~ ♥
    Haha. You know that quote Shawn says about his license to kill being revoked? I could totally see myself saying something like that. I always say "if I told you, I'd have to kill you" :D

    It isssss~
    ! High Noon-ish?! He could stroll up to him in his cowboy boots and call him Booker C:

    Dunno why, but that image is incredibly adorable.

    And that is... Wow. I'm gonna get it stuck in mah heaaaaad~ @.@
    I get it now! "Fishing trips"! It's a total excuse to go out on a boat, get terribly wasted, and then have hot steamy sex! IT ALL MAKES SENSE!

    And laughing is bad? :D
    Oh god, hell yes! <3

    It's stuck in my head~ I was getting coffee today and I looked at my sister with a grin on my face singing, "Boom boom boom.... Coffee~ :D" xD
    xDD That's an amusing thought~

    Omg! I went onto YouTube and I just have to say this. I hope you get the reference! :DD

    Boom boom boom.... Muffins~ ♥
    Ahhhh. I thought you meant you only had around two weeks left. ...which was a fail on my part because 2 weeks from now is not the 15th OTL;;
    Yes! <3

    Lassie's a pimp! :D That's why we all love him~ <3

    Why could I see Gus saying that? :D Or Lassie
    Hahahaha. I love it <33

    Oh god.. Another threesome :D

    Haha. Although I think Little Boy Cat would be more likely to piss itself. Wait... it already did that on that chick's laundry in that ep. Nevermind~
    Who's your waifu again? :0

    Amusing bets are amusing, yes *rubs hands together* When is this thing getting started again?
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