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  • NEON BLUE! <33333


    Yay! Wait... Shawn would have Little Boy Cat?! :DDD

    I really want to watch House, but I can't D: And Psych too.
    and watch, Xav will grope all of them. He's batshit crazy. and thinks groping someone means that you're playing! He was born in a lab, so he's...not too keen on how the world works.

    ...then again, on second thought, if it involves too much molesting I'm not sure if I want to know. :P
    ...eee it's almost done too! She's colouring it now. Hrrr why am I so excited about this. I never get all 'OMG EEEE" about webcomics.

    >w< I can't wait for that RP you is planning~ I may play Xavier...you're gunna allow more than one chara, rite?
    O: GO ON I quite enjoy atarded RP stuff. Considering I made a Tentaspy chara and all.

    On another note, Kytri is livestreaming the latest CV Page! Or at least was when I was at school.
    Converse~ <333 I have blue ones :D

    Yeah. Waaay worse than Shawn. There would be a competition to see who can flirt with Lassie the most between Jack and Shawn. xD

    Oh god, yes. I want that. I could totally picture them both wanting to be the leader figure and then Jack coming onto him. Why can I see Lassie the one more likely to back down than Jack?
    Oi... I need parts to procreate someday. I don't need steel toed boots there. D:



    But then it'd make the RP totally NC-17 because he'd be having sex with EVERYONE!

    Or just trying to dry hump everything that moves. But you get it. C:
    *cringes at the thought*

    :DDD Yay!

    I don't see how you would be able to fuck up a drawing. All of your drawings that I've seen have been pretty bomb-diggity. :D

    I love TF2chan as well. It is amaaaazing.

    My headcanons mostly involve weird stuff and Engie being a father figure to Scoot 8D;
    It liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiied. ;~;

    Also lol every other word is basically just the English spelt funny.
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