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  • Aww... Too bad. I was hoping to get the old gang together.

    Maybe i'll do your RP too though.
    Heeeeeey! Even though though you have probably forgotten who the heck I am by this point...

    Would you like to join Tales of TCOD again?

    God that made me squee. :DDD

    Does that mean Jules is Uhura? :D?

    But damn... Who would be Scotty? I mean, there HAS to be a Scotty. C:
    Of course it's a word! :DD

    Hahahahaha! I wonder why he cut his hair in the first place. C:

    Wilson! Real life Wilson!
    I will do that. C:

    I dunno, it could be.

    I miss his longer hairs though. He looked so much more badass with his fauxhawk.

    :DDDD That sounds oddly cute. I always associate people with curly hair as being cute. It makes sense in my mind!
    That's fine with me. My other waifu calls me bubble butt. D:

    Haha. AND THEY STICK OUT. That's what she said.. :]

    P-i-C's are cool. SAVE THE HAIR! Is it as cool as Shawn's hair? C:
    I know! ♥ Awww... And I felt so bad for him on that ep because he was all alone for Christmas and then he really didn't make things better for himself when he went to Jules' place. D:

    Why do I have a feeling bb stands for "bubble butt"? or is that just me? xD

    You have a brother?! This I did not know. Or maybe I did? I can't remember.

    My other waifu in real life wants me to marry her brother. She refers to me as his fiancee. xD
    Hahahahahaha! That's so true. Damn. Makes me want to watch Lassie Did A Bad, Bad Thing again where he takes the bullet out of his pistol and catches it in SLOW-MO! <3

    Hold on, I'll get it soon. :D

    I have everyone to be incestuous with. My brother in boarding school. Well "brother". I was talking about how I'd change my last name when I'll get married and he suggested to change it to his last name as if I were gonna marry him. :P

    Season 5 is already starting in JULY?! THIS. IS. AWESOME.

    Cause I'll be in Texas and will probably get to see it~
    That is flippin' awesome! I need to watch season 4. Badly. When does it come out? D:

    Yay! Remember waifu, incest is best. C:

    Ugh, day one of summer and I'm already packing. Although my dad and mom gave me a whole shitload of baby pictures of me. I was a cute little 'un. :D
    I'm so white. :P

    I'M HOME! It's sad. But awesome. I bawled my eyes out like 5,000,000 times at graduation. And I got a kiss on the cheek, and I kissed him on the cheek back. That's not cheating is it waifu? D:

    Lulz are good. And dammit, I lost the game. D:

    Yay Lion King
    Not yay Holocaust
    Yay German
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