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  • Hell yeah :D

    I squeed when I first saw that episode. I was just like... wow. WOW! <333 I think that was Dis-Lodged, which happens to be a favorite because they team up with Lassie! :DD

    Grinch, no. Happy, yes. Begin cheesy reason:
    Him: Okay, well, text me cause you never do
    Me: Yeah, but sometimes I feel like I'm bugging you. D:
    Him: You know, sometimes I look at my phone and wonder why you're not bugging me

    <333 it made me insanely happy, i don't know why
    Well, the evidence would contain all 222 pages of conversation we've had, sooo...

    I love it. I saw the icon and I was like ":DDDDDD!"

    In other news, I think my heart swelled times 3. 8DD
    Yes! :DD

    And yes it should. Lassie reminds me of the Planter's Peanuts guy with that monocle. :D


    But I can provide testimony from Mercy Dees herself! :D
    Then.... no.

    I've never been to the east coast. Only Asia and Mexico, and a lot of the states. And Canada. ♥
    Contacts burn? Weird...

    Duct tape! :D That's ALWAYS the solution to putting things back together!
    Wait wait. Larry's lock, you'd present the Wallet and then the Key Card, iirc.

    Awwwww. What about contacts? :D
    It's the one about his boss, no? With the button?

    I do~ It's awesome. Tried it on the other day.

    And awwww. D: Half? Like glasses?
    Ohhhhhhh! :DD

    Kay Faraday is cool. I still love Maya though~ <3 And thank you :D I still have it. And the lab coat <3
    Ooh~ I think I know his secret. C: Are you on the fifth case~?

    Young Franziska is so cute~ <3
    Oh god. xD Four?

    I'm only playing one and that's Ace Attorney Investigations~ Miles Edgeworth is a sexy beast ♥
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