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  • ♥ Here it is~

    funnel cake and karaoke?! That's awesome! D: I wanna gooo~

    Awwww.... I would've thought people would line up to do that! xD
    Oh god. I'm watching Season 3 Psych bloopers and I came across this:

    Jules: He has a different girl every week and I don't know how many diseases. But, anyway, he's your son, so
    Shawn's Mom: Oh, well, I gave him condoms for Christmas...

    Haha. Yay!

    Awww... Lassie's coffee mug says "Real detectives do it with a chalk outline." ♥
    Public is the best place to do it.

    Adds a little more thrill to it. Why don't we dooo it in the rooooaaad~ Good song. C:
    That mental image turns me on.

    Not really, but... I'm pretty sure it'd turn really kinky really fast after he manhandled him to the ground. ;P
    Nah, not with Shawn at least. He would announce it to the world proudly.

    Lassie however, not so much. xD
    You can't see it? The link works fine, I think. o.o

    Just tried it and it worked for me at least. D:
    Yeah~ I can't die :D except I get to see all the people I care about die. And if you're Ianto, you die. DDD:

    Oh, I did this like right now. Sorry, couldn't resist. It just fuels the "Lassie's in control and likes to handcuff Shawn thing"


    I wouldn't have sex with everything that moves though.

    *fistbump* I have non-existant boobs too
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