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  • But they shouldn't be alone. I won't let them be alone.

    I'm sorry for your losses. :( Be glad you knew you grandpa, if you did.
    My grandpa was suffering with cancer for several years after his heart transplant. In his last few days, my mom and her sisters stayed with him every night. One night his medication made him believe he was fishing in the toliet. My mom and aunts stayed up with him for hours catching fish. They GMH.

    ...a family friend had it. :x
    This site reminds me of the story my mom sometimes tells me about my uncle.

    Apparently he had the exact match for bone marrow as a guy from Belgium did. And he really needed a bone marrow transplant, so he went over there just to do that for him. And the guy is well and everything now.

    Everytime she tells that story, it just gives me chills in a good way <3
    Awww.. Typh~

    I think that is tipping me over. That's... wow... I can't.. I'm crying. ;-;

    I know. All the mom and dad stories are just making me melt.

    Kinda makes it harder cause after we move, I'm not gonna see my dad until Christmas ;-;
    i was the first one to read the gmh thread >:(

    also hrrrng stupid mom said she doesn't want to help people with cancer by letting me donate to locks for love :|
    xDD it's okay~ I can't dance at all either and I enjoy going to dances

    I know. Little kids say and do the cutest things sometimes ♥
    GOOD! Dancing Typh~

    It does involve GMH! I saw that one, but I just started crying much further into it.

    Awww. Will it make me sad? D:

    I'm glad you had fun. Hope you participated in the karaoke! :D

    Typh, I'm a such an emotional trainwreck right now ;-;
    There was a Psych-Out of McNab singing once. And then Lassiter shooed him out of the office and started singing the same song. <3 so cute...

    I was rewatching Disco Didn't Die, It Was Murdered! and I felt so bad that Jules and Lassie were being jerks and trying to get all the glory. And when McNab wanted to go with the Coast Guard to duel against pirates, they told him he couldn't just because they wanted to... ;-; It made me feel really bad for him. I just wanted to give him a hug or something. Sad Buzz McNab makes me sad. D:
    Robert Sean Leonard in sunglasses. What? ♥


    I wouldn't doubt it. Damn I really want to go to their panel
    I only played as Scout x3 Typical of me, though. I'm probably gunna stubbornly stick to him (and possibly Medic, that looks fun) for a while xD
    Hahaha. The "dead puppies" thing made a lot of people laugh~ xDD

    See, everytime I say I wanna do this or that when the person is far away, they always tell me to come. But, I have no way of getting there. D:

    Awwww. I would've lined up~
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