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  • Why does she do it? Is she under the influence of alcohol or drugs?

    That is awesome :D pimp rings are cool
    Well I meant if the situation escalated to the point where he would potentially be killed. If that happened I know you probably would do something about it.

    Pimp ring?! How?! I wanna see. You can walk around with your flame cane and pimp ring now :D
    The fear is also a natural thing, Typh. And honestly, nothing I can say will make that fear go away. But I can try my best to assure you that everything will be okay, and if it does escalate into a situation like that at least he has you to go to, right?
    I can't find it, but here's a great one even though you've seen it before. ♥

    It's natural to feel helpless with situations like that. (Sorry for the convo stalking :X) It's really his decision and even though you feel compelled to help him, it all boils down to him doing something about it. D:
    Um... let me see if I can find it waifu~

    In the meantime, I want it to be known that you gmh :]
    My friends are the best. They don't care what other kids do to me, they're there for me. <3 Especially since most people think I'm a freak and would like me dead.

    Not everyone can be happy. If only though...
    ... ;-;

    I've cried so hard, I don't want to go downstairs cause I know my mom will ask questions.
    Well I won't. At least innocent people who did nothing to deserve it. :(

    ...you know, I was feeling almost suicidal again, but then... I started reading GMH.
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