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  • I love it when he says "can I tell you a secret?" and for some reason, I like his voice when he says "I have officially hit rock bottom."

    And! "Look, you're a striking man with strong features, eyes that women want to do cannonballs into, you have great posture, and penmanship the likes I've never seen " ♥
    Awwww. So true :DD

    It kinda looked that way. xD I love it when Lassie almost falls over and Shawn has to grab him. AND how he calls him Carlton! You know what? You've made me want to watch this scene again! I'm going to do so right now :D
    And his wife.... fiancee... wife? Did they get married? She can be Maggey. :D

    I LOVED that scene. He was so cute in it, I had to rewind it multiple times and take screenshots. Especially the part where he was trying to say "I just can't..... prove it!"
    It so does. Except Nabby isn't a detective, but still :D And I think McNab is somewhat smarter than Gumshoe xD

    Yeah, I was just thinking "Awwww Lassie has a softer side~"
    :DD Yay! *starts sucking on bink*

    Hey... if you start doing that, odds are I will too.

    xDD I laughed at that part. The Lassie giving Gus a shoulder rub? :D?
    Exactly! See! Sometimes Nabby just needs a hug :D

    I hope he makes detective in his future~ ♥
    Ugh. D:

    Yay! Typh is turning to the dark side of fangirling! :DDD I'm so proud
    Yeah, really. I mean sometimes in class when I space out and look at people. (That sounds creepy) I notice things that probably shouldn't be known by me. Like cutting marks on people's wrists....

    Cuuuuute! It just sounds cute :D

    Grrr... I can't forgive people who do that to their own children. It's sick and he deserves so much better than that.

    I'll be a ho! :D *shot*
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