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  • i just have this urge to rip into someone. D:

    maybe i'm just getting annoyed. ever since my friend has been calling me every day, i've been slightly getting more and more apathetic. i love her, but calling me everyday with absolutely nothing to say is just... ugh.

    and overdramaticness. I can't stand that x:
    I'm having a whole "wtf" moment with all of this.

    Well between wtf and i don't care. i feel really apathetic today D:

    (I have no idea. xD

    You know... funny thing. My irl friend and roommate gropes me like... all the time. xD)
    xDD I want to know how it got there now

    (! We're making progress! I can't believe you just did that! :DDD)
    i dunno, even if i was doing homework, i'd be too curious about that egg thing. xD

    (no clue. i think you're responsible for taking care of me. C: and hopefully vice versa)
    I did indeed. xD

    Heeey... do you know which episode it is that Lassie and Jules go on a stake-out and Jules is talking about hooking Lassie up with a friend of hers? And then she leaves for a bit and then a hooker starts hitting on Lassie and he thinks it's Jules' friend?
    IT ALL STARTED BECAUSE MERCY WAS ALL "lolololol i have a bink" and now she's just getting pissed and and and wait what smelly typh that is a lie >:( i smell like axe sothar
    I don't think I'm really a baby. I think it's my 15 year old self just being treated like one.

    And damn, I keep thinking you're older than me for some reason xD
    Haha. You're talking to the person who had a gun under her bed for most of her life and used to shoot soda cans in her spare time. Until her dad sold the gun that is. D:

    it's so weird talking about yourself in third person
    ... I agree with that statement

    I've got the obscure 80's references for sure :D
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