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  • You never know! NJ is a big-ish place. o:

    Never heard of Mercedes as a last name before. Depressed by the dumb... xD I like how you put that
    >=[ that shouldn't be a free pass for that. but then again, middle schoolers, so...

    Are you referring to another Mercy or me? xD
    If it'd make you uncomfortable, I wouldn't do it.

    i guess i'm just so used to being all "omg orgy everyday~" with my group. xD
    Awwww. Cute :D I'd try to hug you I think. I'm not sure

    Ohhhh. So then SBAs are what we have for it, gotcha
    Oh it wasn't said to anyone. :D my ihome was playing my iPod and it was playing the song "Myspace"

    Online you are at least :D which makes me wonder what would happen if i truely met you

    ASK scores? What are those? I don't remember having to take something or having anything called that...

    Awww. Cute Typh. :D you're slowly making your way to being more and more affectionate~

    I'm sorry. D: but when you mean "put off until later" you don't mean like days on end do you?

    Well, okay I think. But I still have two more years to improve :D
    xDDD yeah, it was one of the first things i heard when I woke up this morning and I was just like "! hey, I think I wanna make that my usertitle thing"

    Good! :DD man, I wish I had a cool guy p-i-c. D:

    Awww... maybe you should ask? Or make it clear that you don't want to be left in the dark regarding family things?

    in other news, i just found out my SAT scores. holy shit, it made me have a heart attack.
    Lassie is in his mid to late 30's. Edgey is about 26-27? something like that.

    xDDD Edgeyface. I like it
    i dunno. i'm afraid to tell her about it cause she'd make a big deal about it. x: but it doesn't matter i guess. i'm just being really apathetic right now~

    haha. *hugs back*
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