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  • It's still cold, it has been sunny sometimes though. My feet are super cold though and hot chocolate with whipped cream sounds amazing

    in other news, i think kronogreen is attempting to tie me up all bondage-like o:

    i think that's your job?
    ooh... that doesn't sound good D:

    i'm really craving hot chocolate right now

    I'd probably just made up some incomprehensible crap like fjdklajfdaksl or something, followed by hearts.
    xDD it's alright~

    Could you imagine him as a little kid? He must've been the cutest thing!
    Hahaha. Nabby. I love that nickname. :D

    And that image is definitely adorable. Sage is just so cute~

    I just pictured a manga!McNab and the result came out adorable. :D
    It really is. xD would there be a cameo appearance from little boy cat? :D

    That would be badass
    Yeah that... yeah. I'm not good at coming up with plots spur-of-the-moment. D:

    (Yeah. :D)
    Ahahahahahahaha! Oh god, yes~ That would be pure win!

    (I understand that. But after having the name Mercedes for 4 years, I think it's time for a change. x3)
    You should do. OH GOD you should do it! ♥

    (Ohhh~ Well I think I'm gonna go for it~)
    *hug back* I was supposed to meet him this summer when I went back to Lebanon.

    Speaking of which, apparently Lebanon is in the southwest Asia, which explains my squinty eyes.
    ! There's a picture of him with a whole bunch of girls and it's autographed. The chick with the pigtails and cigarette is Melinda Clarke! :D

    Him and the shark ♥
    He doesn't look right with a moustache.

    Omg.. The second picture is win <3 bookmarking~
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