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  • Yeah, just realized that.

    Oh and molest I would. You're talking to the chick who gropes other girls (that I know really well) AND slaps their asses. I'd be SUCH a pervert if I were a guy. xD
    I dunno, it's stuck in my mind as "Tiff" now. xD Oops...

    Awwww. Cute.. :D I think I'm just... all around affectionate. Except the times where I'm like "No! Don't touch me *deathglare*"
    Typh is smart. :D and philosophical conversations are win. My group has them all the time at breakfast/lunch/dinner. Sometimes heated debates, always fun.

    I just thought of this, but would you pronounce your nickname like "Tie-fff" like the beginning of Typhoon? Cause I just pronounce it like "Tiff" o:
    BADASS. If I had the choice of having my mom walk me to school everyday, I would take it! Unfortunately because of distance complications, I have my "Mom" or roommate walk me to school everyday. :D

    Typh wants to be handcuffed down. Interesting. xD
    That's badass. :D Same with my parents. They don't care as long as I'm happy~

    Well, funny thing... I do actually, but not for the reason you think! They were for my Ema Skye cosplay. xD
    They asked you if you were bi? or lesbian?

    If you came to my house, my parents would let us sleep in the same bed. o:

    I would totally say, it's okay, I have condoms, but I don't think we have to worry about that. xD
    With yo-*shot*


    I wonder if my parents actually think I'm bi or lesbian? xD

    But how would your 'rents feel about this?! D:

    Mine would seriously be like, "Yay! We adopted another daughter! :D Welcome to the family" cause my friend irl claims to be my other wife and stuff.
    ! THEY DID? That's awesome!

    The writers have so much fun with it all, and the actors too it seems. :D

    So NOT your average TV show!
    Or the other way around? :D *points to Lassie Did A Bad, Bad Thing*

    That's okay :D

    WHOA! Really?! That's kinda... cool actually. We had a two foot tsunami. :D It was a tiny lil thing~
    You know... I wouldn't doubt that one bit. xD

    Yes, quite androgynous.

    Haha. So YOU were the cause of the Chile earthquake/tsunami that threatened Alaska.
    Male. But I love him. <3 The only one I remember is a Luxio named Lassiter. C:


    I must say, get the first Phoenix Wright game because the fourth case is all about Edgeworth and the DL-6 case~ <3 Worth it!
    Awwww. You have a female? Lucky. I have a Piplup.

    Uhhh. Good question. And that sounds like a ba game! :DDD

    <3 Ahhh... never fails to amuse. I love when you can examine objects in Apollo Justice, cause it's quite amusing
    I'm only in Hearthome in Platinum. lol slow~ xD

    Ceiling Cat? Where?! :D

    Wow. I didn't notice. Did he think it was candy or something odd like that?
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