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  • DDDD8 Fine.... *uses mouth-to-mouth resuscitation*
    ... :D *fangirls*

    I got him! :DD
    Yay! :D

    (Me too. It's so cute. And speaking of cute, Maggie's explanation was cute. x3 And her little "bullshit" when she goes near James' shoulder. xD

    Nope, I didn't. :D I bet he's Irish! Just kidding~ xD )
    I'll only talk about it if you start it up.
    Then again I might not shut-up about it untill 1. you tell me to stop or 2. it becomes uncomfortable.
    So, the kittyyyys? How are they? :3
    ! D: *jumps in to save him*
    Hurry Lassie. ;-;

    (HAHAHAHAHA! OMG! xDD "And Psych is about ze love. We all love each other here. So we use ze pineapple" <333
    He could be French. o: "Thesealion... what is that, French?" xD)
    What do you expect us to do Typh? Not care?
    Actualy, let me rephrase that.
    When we meet a person who doesn't have an obviouse (And I mean OBVIOUSE) lethal problem, we automaticly assume that they will always be around. When you say that you're dying it screws up that notion we have and that confuses us. Confused humans panic. Confused animals panic.
    And if they don't than they probably either haven't really absorbed the intensity of what you're saying or don't care much. There are exceptions to this of course, but they are sparse.
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