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  • I just want the two of us to be good friends, that's all, and I can't do that without talking to you. -.- But I guess I could leave you alone and give you your privacy instead of greeting you every time I notice you're online. In fact, I'll just do that. (Don't be surprised when I suddenly decide to leave you a message one day, though, for whatever reason.)

    Same response as to why you find me annoying: I just do.

    Okay, then, talk to ya later, Typh- whenever that will be.
    Sorry for making you feel that way. Consider this, though: a person who prefers to be left alone begins making friends he/she can hang out with. The question is, how would he/she adapt to it?

    I'm 100% serious; to me, you're a great person to hang out with. When it comes to convos that brings a lot of concern to me, I'm always serious- no jokes whatsoever unless it's to lighten the mood-, and this discussion is one that concerns me a lot.
    I... I... uh... *Sighs* Guess it can't be helped.

    Look, I'm really sorry for being annoying. Ever since I discovered this forum and met you, Nottie, Mike, and a lot of other people on here, I got obsessed with chatting. I mean, I rarely talk to people in real life due to my fear of rejection and now that I chat on here... I can't help but get overly excited while I type my message! The feeling I get when I receive a notification... it's just too much for me to hold in and thus I turn into a drama queen.

    I said this already, but here it goes again: I wanna be your friend, Typh, I really do. From what I've seen, you're a great person to hang out with.

    But I guess I should tone my obsession down a bit, huh? The feeling I get when posting/reading messages is all too new to me and I'm not used to it yet. In short, I've yet to adapt to your standards of comfortableness.

    Before I end this message, let me first type this up: FINALLY! SOMEBODY WHO ADMITS I'M AN ANNOYING BASTARD!

    ...Okay, I'm calm. Sorry again.
    didn't we have a conversation about a missile launcher?
    what was his name again
    why are you acting pissed

    i was trying to bring up a nice old conversation about waffles.
    What? I really enjoy speaking with you, whether you think of me an annoying bastard or not (if you really do think of me as an annoying bastard, THEN JUST SAY IT!).
    And when I checked my list of friends, you were mysteriously erased from it.
    ...Just one response. Please.

    ...You broke our friendship bond, didn't you?
    Okay, Typh, what's going on? You must have some reason as to why you're not responding.
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