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  • You know what will cure your phobia of mice?
    You need to go hang out at a pet shop or something. X3
    Or you could easily start right now by sitting with your family. Just trying to help. There will be rodent vermin throughout your life. You have to get used to it or you'll become a nervice wreck.
    Payo just lost awesome points. Tell him THAT to his face. X3
    No, you don't have to. If you want to by all means go do it, but You arn't required.
    Noes, I'm friends or aquantanced with around fourteen other people with it and my dad has it too.
    So yeah, not rare, but not commen. It's just uncommon.
    So what's up with you? Any neat things happening?
    Well, you actualy play a couple instruments, so I'm not surprised. X3
    And absolute pitch seems pretty commen to me. Maybe that's just because a lot of people seem to have it..
    It's common, right?
    I see. Is that like when you hear a note (or pitch as you prefer) and you can play that on a instrument even if you don't really know how to play the instrument? In other words... Eh.. you hear a song somewhere and you grab a guitar and play that exact pitch?
    Feh, all I'm asking is it the same as me not being able to read music, but still able to play songs and notes I've heard on instruments I sorta know how to play.
    Violens screetch when I try and play them.. ;-;
    And I keep leaving because I'm doing some seriouse writing. Did you check your e-mail again? I put way to much into my little story begining, and I know I probably wont do anything with it. You see, it's not writing I have trouble doing, it's finding an interesting topic to write about. YOU PIQUED MY INTEREST.
    And what exactly do you mean by "pitch perfect"? Does he sing?
    well what dustbins is it not suitable for? Tall thin ones like a pipe, like that? Big wide ones made out of jelly? Big jelly ones wibbling about like jelly on a plate, wibble wobble, wibble wobble, jelly on a plate, like that, on the back of a giant pig?!

    Haa, my little beauties! NEEEEEEEEEEEOW-duggaduggdugga NEEEEEEEEEEEOW-duggaduggdugga Get some peas as a hostage Get away from the carrot Drop the carrot Stop Wahey Whoooo
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