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  • (Huh, that's odd... I could've sworn I posted a message here... meh.)

    *Sobs* Now I want a pet. ;~; My parents won't allow me though because they say they stink up the house. Once I earn enough, I'll go get myself a pet and somehow convince my parents to let me keep it. I'll either get a dog, a cat or a ferret.

    Or maybe a lion AND a ferret, like in this video (*Sighs* One can only dream...)
    It's true House, don't deny it. =|

    (I will try to avoid it like the black plague. :3)
    xDDDD Omg.. xD *baps House over the head* Dirty man. xD

    (Ouch, I hope I never get one then. D:)
    Because it's cute in a love-hate friendship sorta way. :D

    (Yeah, my roommate would always shut the lights off in our room when she had one.)
    Oh yeah?:
    That's... odd... O.o

    And it's alright, you can swear when you're around me; I choose not to swear unless the situation calls for it. =P
    Are you sure? :D

    (Omg... ow... ow. I've actually never had a migraine before, but my roommate had them all the time and they sound... ugh. D:)
    How would you know that? Did you actually eat Pop Rocks and drink soda at the same time? O.o
    xDD Oh yeah~ *gives Wilson back his lab coat* Almost forgot about that. xD

    (*gulp* Giant... hole in the back of your hand? o.o)
    That I ship House and Wilson~ :D Although Rumshipping is cute too! o:

    (*gets a lollipop of her own and sucks on it* Now we can both look like little kids? xD)
    I told him the truth! o:

    (Awwww... nooo D: *gives you one of those super big lollipops this time* :D)
    Hmmm... I wonder... >3 *whispers "I ship House/Wilson" to Wilson* :D

    (You gots stabbitied? D: Ow~ Dx)
    Haha. Yup, that they do. xD And House/Cuddy, and even Wilson/Cuddy. :3

    (Lassie~ *drool* Haha. Don't judge me, I was watching Psych on Youtube. xD)
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