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  • The video just shows you urban legends. For example, if you masturbate you'll grow hair on your hands; dropping a penny from the Empire State building will kill somebody; sneeze seven times, you'll go into an orgasm, etc. etc.
    Okay.... Sooooo..

    Well, considering what's already wrong with it (no offence) we can't check that one off of the list. I'm not sure how it would be able to mess with your hand like it is, but the brain does control the body. It can do some wierd stuff when somethings not right...
    For the third time, TOUGH IT OUT! Think of it as battling a Behemoth on Final Fantasy for real. O.o (Again, that's how I picture the situation; in fact, I picture situations as obstacles you can find in video games. O_O).

    I'm not sure if this'll cheer you up but watch this video I found on my cousin's YouTube account in the favorite's section.
    Well if you did stab your palm I've never known that part of the body to bleed much. Maybe it's nothing...
    It's still plausible though, something blocking circulation. It explains the numbness and cold.
    That's why you gotta tough it out and beat the sickness but always be aware of your limits. If necessary, change the focus of effort you're applying so that you can be more efficient and organized.

    You're a strong girl, Typh, you can do this. Think of it as playing hard mode on a video game except you only have one life and no restart button. (That's how I see it though. =P)
    Okay, Scyther told me about your situation and, as much as I want to be able to help you, I can't. All I can really do is give you moral support, so be strong and tough it out! You're gonna get through all of this 'cause in the end, all your hard work will be worth it.
    I know that should worry you, but you really shouldn't go around stabbing yourself.
    Shouldn't it be scheduled a lot sooner? I mean, how are you now? You can't feel your fingertips?
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