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  • Noooooooooooo no Typh getting hurt D:

    Alternately one of us could be Mr Casalingua and one could be Michael Smear so neither of us has to be ridiculously innocent or married 8D

    I was also thinking of putting us in some ABOFAL sketches, like the "intercourse brings about pregnancy in the adult female" one. But I can't decide how to cast us both... I'm most likely to think babies just appear when you buy a house and settle in and eat three hot meals a day but I'm also very unlikely to be married =/
    Yes I know she doesn't have glasses I'm not a crazy spectacle-adding maniac :<

    I was thinking of drawing the three of us in a game of QI. Basically you and I are going crazy while Alan, Stephen and Notory are just all -.-;;
    Ohhhhh. *mental note: sometimes glasses look different from mine D:*

    Hang on is 5 good I don't even know which way my own scale goes =/
    I was gonna put "I ♥ House and Blackadder and Nutella and scrubs etc" but there was no room.

    Anyway on a scale of 1 to WHAT THE FUDGE WERE YOU THINKING MIKE, how little does it look like you? ;.;
    Typh I has good news and bad news
    GOOD: I drew you
    BAD: I drew you very VERY badly, your eyes will bleed srsly
    Noes, my parents were both killed in a car wreck, remember? :<
    Geez, why us?
    Well, House is tall like my dad and you seem to have crush on him and my mom loved my dad sooooo..
    That's your basis for parental figures? Height?
    Well, no.. Not entirely.
    Someone died? =O

    Um... I used to go to school with a bunch of jerks too, but I homeschool now. Kinda lonely sometimes, but it's better than being abused. =/
    Good. *lets go and pats his head* Now that you're awake, scold your kid. *points at Notory*
    What did I do? :<
    No I didn't. ;-;
    I didn't, I swear.. ;-; *sniffle*
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