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  • I'll read it when I have the time. Right now I'm working on a side project and searching for a job (if worse comes to worse, I may have to work at McDonalds...)
    Send your Email in a private message, due to your paranoid internet thing. X33

    NANS WALKING?? This is great! Is she still drinking her super tea? |:3
    What's a mickey?
    Yeah, I got some more radiation. The doctors are saying the treatment is working really well, or at least a lot better than they had predicted. I might be able to get off of chemo soon~
    If you really feel that uncomfortable, fine then. -.-
    But if you wanna be a writer, it's best to start practicing now.
    ...Huh, that sounds similar to another story I read but I forgot the title of said story.
    Believe me, I seen far worse stories that can give you nightmares, and I also have the inability to update. Just read my fanfics (you can read them by going to my sig and clicking the Tales of Acceptance banner).

    Concerning the quiz, these were my results:

    Paranoid: Low
    Schizoid: Low
    Schizotypal: Very High
    Antisocial: Moderate
    Borderline: Moderate
    Histrionic: Moderate
    Narcissistic: Moderate
    Avoidant: Very High
    Dependent: High
    Obsessive-Compulsive: High
    Is it on this site? I would like to read it. :3

    You already took it before, or is this your first time?
    I would like to be a doctor, but I can't stand the sight of blood, whether real or virtual (and yet I play Trauma Center). 'Antisocial doctor'? ...Somehow, you reminded me of this quiz. Try it.

    You wanna be a writer, eh? Do you have any stories posted on the net?
    .... I take it you want to be a doctor when you're older? Don't ask why I thought so, I'm just getting that sense according to what you're saying.
    What does 'anemia' mean? -_-;; (I should be ashamed for not knowing this...)
    Wait I think I've seen that anyway.

    Still all I have is Coffin Punch and something about motorbikes. *cries in a corner*
    Me, too. :< I went to a party today and it was my job to babysit all the toddlers at the party. Unfortunately, they all sat on me and beat me around as if I was a pinata.
    It was chaotic! =(
    I only get the two YES YOU READ CORRECTLY TWO episodes that BT Vision has seen fit to put onto On Demand :<
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