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  • Then there's nothing to fear, now is there? And if there's nothing to fear, there's nothing to hate. But that's how I see the concept of hating things.

    Anyway, I'll be eating dinner right now. Talk to you later tonight?
    I find that people hate things because they fear it. "There's nothing to fear except fear itself" or something along the lines of that.
    Anyway, Wiccan? Um, I don't know what that is.

    (By the way, I should note that when I use quotes, it's mostly used for serious conversations. Besides, I'm better versed in serious conversations because, well, seriousness is a part of my personality).
    Wow, those people sound like a certain group of people (correction, guys) at my school, who mention sex in at least every conversation and who have the F-word encrypted into their heads. Even in serious conversations, such as when a friend of theirs got into a car crash and one time, I wanted to yell at them, "COULD YOU GUYS GET SERIOUS AND STOP TALKING ABOUT VAGINAS!?"

    Moving along, yes. I lost my grandfather from my mom's side (I have a feeling he knew his time was up), my grandmother from my father's side (by cancer) and another grandmother who I never knew even existed (I think I was 2 years old when I met her; and I have no clue). D;
    Hello, new friend Typh! I've done a mock battle in ASB (the refferee tent). Do you think I'll make it?
    Anarchy (from Greek: ἀναρχία anarchía, "without ruler") may refer to any of the following:

    * "No rulership or enforced authority." [1]
    * "Absence of government; a state of lawlessness due to the absence or inefficiency of the supreme power; political disorder."[2]
    * "A social state in which there is no governing person or group of persons, but each individual has absolute liberty (without the implication of disorder)."[3]
    * "Absence or non-recognition of authority and order in any given sphere."[4]
    * A society free from coercive authority of any kind is the goal of proponents of the political philosophy of anarchism (anarchists).
    * Independent from rule or authority.
    * Legitimacy of a state is gained through consent, not through coercion.
    Okay, I can relate to you with the mocking and bothering during my childhood (though I got over it— sort of), but the losses...? I think it's best for me not to say anything.

    ...If you feel uncomfortable talking about this, you could always change the subject at anytime...

    And urm, OK o.o
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