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  • *imagines himself running into churches across the world waving his arms and screaming "THERE'S NO GOD, SOME PEOPLE CAN'T HAVE NUTELLA"*
    .................................................................................................................... Sorry to hear about your cousin....................................................................
    What you've been going through... it's nothing compared to my problems by a mile. And you're only 13... *Feels guilty*
    .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... I-I can't even begin to say... no, nothing I can say will turn the tables around this conversation.
    And your other cousin... i-is that t-true what happened to him/her?
    *Feels tremendous guilt*
    I'm not going to call you anything; what good would that do? That would make me sound mean, and like I told you in my PM, I hate being mean.

    Speaking of mean...... I-I don't know how to comment on the racism attack toward your cousin. That's just.... UGH! And with a metal trowel? WTF!? D:<
    You should report this person!
    C-could you please respond to my last message? I wanna get this whole ordeal about you "not liking me" over with before it breaks me apart. D;

    By the way, I forgot to add this: "Then tell me why the heck does it matter why a) people don't want to be your frined much if you can still function in society and..other things, and b)just because people ddon't want to be your frined doesn't mean you're not a good guy." The text that is in bold hurt me on a personal level, which is pretty much the reason why I sent you the PM. Sorry for blowing up on you, that matter is too personal...
    OK whut
    I permitted you to rant by asking you what was wrong and I'm not creeped out at all except by the pure unadulterated arseholishness of the bastards that bullied yer cousin.
    Tis weird. I'm not quite sure what to say. Notory was mad. Skroy was mad. (Oh, excuse me, extremely annoyed). And you just don't care? If you don't get mad at me now, I'll feel like I'm forevr in your dept.
    Stop justifying and start blaming me! I had no right to blow up like that! What you did is not the issue!
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