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  • ...Really. As in mouth open all the time? Doesn't he drool?

    :0 All Doctors must now have silly hairs.
    Ohhh, that person! I watched a bit of Doctor Who at the recreational center. There was a TV mounted on the treadmill, and it was playing that.
    Yeah, you're a bit heavier than me. But still. You twist the dimensions.

    What did you watch, anyway?

    I do, too! It's just... rather small.
    Material doesn't matter xD;
    ...That's only half a chicken? Really? o.O If you don't mind me asking, about how heavy are you?
    If you're about my weight, then you, my friend, twist the dimensions.

    It sounds awesome, but in my opinion it tastes so-so. Then again, I'm not fond of deep-fried stuff.

    Really? I haven't been to the movies in forever. And I usually don't eat nor drink stuff there. One time, I got sick from eating too much popcorn, and if I drink stuff, I inevitably have to go to the washroom halfway through the movie. OTL
    Yeah, the second.

    My favourite's probably the green dragon roll. But there's always the dynamite roll or the rock 'n' roll or the Godzilla roll or-!
    Yeah those actually exist.

    :0 That looks pretty good. But that's probably the amount I eat, too.
    Orly? :0 Must try! ...later. OTL YouTube's starting to die again!

    Well, if it doesn't sit well with your stomach, then I wouldn't eat it at all, you know? If it's gonna come back up anyway? Or am I understanding this wrong?
    Sushi is incredible. :0 Raw fish might be hard to adjust to, but seriously, it's amazing.

    Hey, why are you apologizing? xD; I eat at around 8 o'clock nowadays, but I usually eat four meals a day. Breakfast (that's hardly a meal, though, just something to keep me from fainting OTL), lunch, after school, and dinner.
    Whole roast chicken...? Not sure how much that is. :0
    I often only eat a plate of rice with some side dishes, but on random occasions I eat like twice the amount I normally do, which is weird. And it sucks for my family because I eat rather fast, and if they want more rice, well, too bad for them. xP
    Pfff, I listen to video game music all the time. People would argue I am a no-life nerd. Who am I to judge people? xP
    I've accidentally played a few songs together before, but it usually just turns into a huge mess.

    No pasta for you? That must suck. Admittedly I don't eat too much but still, I find that it sucks to be restricted at all.
    I've had to get a stomach ultrasound before, but since the doctor's didn't say anything, I can only assume that there was nothing wrong. Still... It just acts so weird sometimes.

    ...Okay, yeah, Typh. I think I know what you mean by the appetite of a whale starved in a desert for days now. OTL
    I've been listening to the BGM in ToS2 for the bad ending. It's so ;~; Great for working.

    You go do that. Perhaps yell at him a bit, too. Add in something about blue giraffes.

    My appetite fluctuates so. Much. Sometimes I can go without a meal for a day and a half. And sometimes I have to eat - a lot - every like three hours or so. *pounds stomach* Why don't you work properly

    Maybe you should include that in your would-be rant next time you see him.
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