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  • *Ahem*... I play the piano, marimba, and as for wind instruments I can play the clarinet (main), alto sax, soprano sax, bass clarinet (or as my fellow band mate put it at retirement home we performed at, "The sexiest instrument ever!" XDDDD)... basically any wind instrument that utilizes a reed (except the oboe as far as I'm aware of).
    Those anthro pics are old; they're horrible I tell ya, HORRIBLE (inferiority complex, 'nuff said).
    I'm no artist; I'm more of a musician. My art is not that great. The best ones in there, in my opinion, are my Jolteon and Umbreon.
    And this is a mouse standing on cheese:
    hahaha. yes, this is great. :D

    and I just found the picture of Monk and I must say it is love. <3 C:
    Didn't you read my job in my profile yet? I'm lazy, a lemon and a convo-stalker (but only to friends and Nottie's my friend.) =)
    Mwhahahahahahahahahaha— *coughs*— hahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
    Oh god, that is funny. I'll read them...
    ...As soon as I finish convo-stalking you and Nottie (currently on page 299). =)
    (Well... all's well that ends well, right?)

    In fact, I would stay far away from Chuck Norris as much as possible. Why? Check out these facts.
    I wouldn't recommend it 'cause the leading causes of death in the United States are: 1. Heart Disease 2. Chuck Norris 3. Cancer.

    (Your mom has cancer? If so, I'm sorry to hear about that).
    *Examines J.B.* I admit, the ninja mask is awesome but the mustache is nothing compared to mine! Or better yet, Chuck Norris's 'stache!
    I mean, his mustache has overpowered the rest of his facial hair and claimed the entire face as it’s own. And it deflects bullets. And woos the ladies. And cures cancer. :3
    I-Is that you, Jay Blue? You look... different...
    hahaha... i lol'd. xD

    that is pretty damn awesome. you should totally draw him. =P
    Oh........................................... *Silence; cue crickets*
    ... I got— ooh, look, a blue jay! *Chases blue jay*
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