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  • The snot will stick it down 8D *shot*

    Actually you shouldn't see my bedhead when my hair's long because you'd have to have been sat there watching me sleep waiting to look at my hair when I get up. And not that you wouldn't be welcome but it'd be a little creepy.
    Ohhhhh. *ruffles slightly*
    *goes back to picking his nose*

    You should see my bedhead when my hair's long =)
    Stethoscope you nincompoop =) *ruffles your hair*
    Anyway did you see I translated the story about Balrick the sausage in to Spanish didja didja huh huh
    Érase una vez había Baldrick llamado de una pequeña salchicha encantadora y él vivió felizmente alguna vez después
    In the game theres a part where you have to play Sarias song to get Darunia to dance. Afterwards he's your best friend. Then he lets you enter the next dungeon so you can move along the games storyline. (O_o)
    Rauru isn't a pervert in the game. Think Gandalf from Lord of the Rings, that's what he's like.
    Ruto is a bit snobish, but she is a spoiled zora princess. :3
    Impa is usualy quiet and reserved. She's a strang woman though. She's also Zeldas care taker and she's like a godmother to her. I would have had her sitting next to Zelda, but Zelda sitting alone more emphasises her aggitation.
    Nabooru is a desert theif, and Gerudo actualy. I don't know her personality very well, but she can be prone to over reactions and is a bit outgoing.
    Sarias just this little Kokiri girl. One of Links better friends in the forest he lived in. Their not in love, just very good friends. X3
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