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  • LIES! All LIES! You know what you did; you stole my wowwipop and my cake. And you even ruined my dream of growing a beard and moustache. =( You're a... a... a LEMON!
    Hi, Typh! I'm Sparx, the Shinx in Skroy's first avatar when he first signed up for TCoD. The Umbreon in his current avatar (and cowering behind me) is Penn, but people also call him Skroy.
    Get Dr. McNinja outta here! He did horrible things to me when I was just a teeny-weeny yellow polka dot Eevee-ni.
    Rauru is the one in the big cloak with the nose bleed.
    And Zeldas jealose of Saria and Link. Zelda/Link shipping of course. X3
    And then there's King Darunia dancing away to Link and Sarias playings.
    I have no clue what Ruto, Impa, and Nabooru are talking about. O_o
    haha. has it actally worked? Because it seems pretty interesting.

    I hope to try it out on my sister or my mom sometime. :3
    (For the record, I should tell you I'm not random; blame school and strict parents for that. I try to act random, and yet I fail. But still, her goes...)

    ZOMGWTFBBQ! Hide me... *hides behind Sparx the Shinx*
    ...I just realized, you never gave back my cap from Notory. =( Dr. NcNinja, he's over here!
    yes it is amazing. :3

    i love the guy who tells the truth no matter how brutal it may be. =P
    You have a recorder? Play it on that instead. =) (It's the most common funeral music by the way)

    Now that we're talking, how's life? Have you had you're fortified soy beverage today?
    Hi Typh! I would have been on here earlyer, but I've been working hard on Skroys latest request. It's looking great and I'm going all out on the shading.
    Anyways, HAI THAR. 8DD
    Ow... *tries to withstand pecking; eventually faints. X|*
    If you play the piano, play this (If the letter is alone, play as a quarter note, and when they're together, play as an eighth note): C C CC D# DD CC BC
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