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  • But DDDDDD: isn't useful.
    Saying something constructive or helpful is useful.

    I never even told my friend about wibble oh god ;.;
    Advanced programs is where you find them. :3
    Examples of the 'person picked on becoming Millionaires', Bill Gates, there was some woman singer, and also a kid who won Britain's Got Talent and sang for the queen of England.
    Ahh, you realize that a lot of people start like that? They aspire for a goal, and other people try to ruin it, but then come the real world, the bullies are flipping burgers for minimum wage and the people who aspired for a goal, they end up becoming millionaires. :3
    So the staff doesn't care about people being bullied. Excellent school you attend.
    Ohhh. Well, two options, get authority when they mess with your drawings (if you actually have intelligent staff that is) or, when they get near it, use the slap that all girls are famous for. :3
    Notory says that her signature on a contract saying she has to give me her undivided attention morning noon and night was actually yours. Would you like me to poke her?
    It's fine. :3
    People around your age are also extremely immature. It's nice when there are some like you that are actually mature enough to not insult people for no reason. Best idea, just ignore them and they'll go away. All they want to see is a reaction.
    Yes, the adult world is unfortunately where I see the most stupidity, too immature to let others try to help. They try to hoard an age dominance which is rather idiotic considering some kids are smarter than adults.
    Ahh, the problem is also, if you attempt to intervene, they'll yell at you to get lost making you unable to accomplish any agreement between them, am I correct?
    I don't really know what to say.
    I hope it gets better?
    No, I do hope that it get's better, but that's to... emotionless to say. It makes it sound like I don't care even though I do.
    I don't know what to do.....
    I think he means well....
    But that isn't the right way to handle it. He can't go all "I'm right now give her to me". You gotta to be civil, make compramises.

    Your mom is still out looking for jobs though, right?
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