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  • Heres the entire thing including what you hopefuly already read in Roadtrip.

    This was also posted in Roadtrip...
    (((Heres the thing Zolteh. We (Me Typh and Voli, i think...)don't really want a miricle cure at the moment. I know you mean well and it's a nice thing to do, but most of the fun of Roadtrip (at least for most of us anyways) is having a bad situation, like Notory almost completly losing her memory, and talking as our characters would about it, trying to find a solution. At times we do use miracle cures, like Houses odd medicines, Typhs buggy, and Es magic cardboard box, but not always. This is a case of "This will be fun, lets do this for a little while, then move on. :333". Again, I know you mean the best in the world and I'm not scolding you or anything, but get involved by interacting. not offering an instant solution. Repress your speedy Jolteon side ! X33)))

    Just a couple of pointers. I'd rather see you activly involved than offering easy solutions. Get in there, don't be afraid! And don't take this the wrong way... o.o;;;;
    Who said it was easy? Listed all the reasons why getting this cure could take up at least 10 pages. o.o
    We make it that way.
    We make it long for a reason. If people got hurt and were instantly healed it wouldn't be as much fun. There would be no substance. Roadtrip would be kinda boring in that there would be no point. With an injury, battle, or something of that sort that needs to be fixed THAT becomes the point. When we're goofing around we will stay like that untill somebody decides to "make a point". Goofing is fun, but it will never be all it can be if random goofing around is all there is.
    People loooove drama, Seriously, it's part of the human condition. If we embelish a problem and attempt to solve it with something more complex than "have this" there is drama. That's why there are battles, relationships, etc. etc..
    We also love to goof around though, which was the reason it was made into a freeform RP. When a battle starts and thing get seriouse we switch to longRP format and the fun becomes heavyer due to the suposedly vivid descriptions and being able to hear the characters thoughts. When we're being random and having some lighter fun it's freeform.
    People crave heavy.
    People crave light.
    It's all about balance. That's why we don't always use miracle cures, but at times we do. Miracle cures focus on light. Most of us crave some heavy for the moment.. But it will pass. You could bet your life on the fact that it will pass. And when it does we will all return to freeform. Untill the next time when somebody else craves some heavy.

    It's a cycle.
    It's a big cycle with the main variable being the subject of the matter.
    It's okay Typh! ^.^

    I talked with Zoltea about roadtrip, continuing from the long parethisis quote in there. Wanna hear what I said? I need to know if I was correct.
    Try File > Print (or Print..., whatever brings a little menu up), then there should be somewhere you can type in or choose which pages you want printed. [/still unhelpful]
    You want it two sided?
    Try setting it to print the first page only, then take that sheet, turn it over and put it back in the printer, then print the second page only.
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