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    Yeah, I know that's the wrong one. So what do you think of my description of Notorys view on going primal? I tried to make it a bit disturbing. ^.^
    It's a Holocaust story, by Elie Wiesel. It tells about his experiances in the consentration camps and such.
    It's very sad at parts, and completly horrifing in others. Despite this it's an amazing book. You should read it when you get the chance. It starts out a bit slow though, just so you know.

    Storms coming. If I suddenly leave without warning, it's the storms fault. |3
    We finished reading Night last year. It was a great book, but in a horrifing and awful way.
    Have you read it? I want to talk about this book so much now.
    Your hands feel all cold and tingly. X3
    I do that too. I've always though I was some kind of phychopath for doing it, but it's actuly quite relaxing for me.

    This tys in with the fact that I one (of my own freewill) took a bath in scalding hot water. The burns were present for so long.......
    I only had time to listen to thre songs.....
    But they sounded pretty good!
    The main singers voice is a little..... Rough..... But that's okay.
    Ha, I've been on slurges like that before. X3
    I listened to a couple Gomes songs the other day. My mom got this Cox thing called Rahpsody or something. Basicly it's any music in the word... For free.
    So I listened to Gomes and Teardrop. X3
    Well... one of my friends was telling me yesterday that one of HER teachers threw board markers at her.
    Hard o.o
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