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  • Oh I crumbled at first, but now I'm allright. I've accepted the fact that I have cancer, but I'm not going to let it kill me. I was in a depressed state for about two days wondering what my future would bring untill I decided right then and there that I would succeed.
    I belive it too. *triumphant pose* >:D
    It's fine, really. I feel okay even though I'm not. I'm going to live. I wil not allow myself to die this young. >(
    Thanks for the hug, though it's uneeded.
    Yeah, some kind of cancer, I keep forgeting the name. They say it's easily killable with chemo though if caught early enough. The time on mine is borderline killable and too big to handle, thus the 50/50.
    I'll start chemo soon. Not sure exactly when though. Don't worry, I'll still be on TCoD. I like this place to much to let something take it away for very long. ^.^
    Then again, I have no clue what it'll be like. Who knows? :P

    Taken from a conversation between Mike and I. He said he didn't want me to die prematurely. I said theres a 50/50 chance I'd die in two years. I'm not to worried about it, so you shouldn't be either. ^.^
    Sense when did clammy hands = cancer? Did I miss a meeting? |:<
    *hugs you* We both have it rough when it comes to other people. Intelligance, and blessing and a curse.
    Do dorks get harrassed at your school?
    Do dorks get beat up at your school?
    Do dorks end up without any friends because of who they are?
    Is your school so... idiotic that when a little girl who's trying to find her place in the world asks for help she gets rejected and sent away??
    GOOD GOD I NEED TO UNLOAD THIS SOMEWHERE. But not on you. I couldn't do that to you.
    Hmmmm...... Yeah... :)
    I just feel like a dork today. Otherwise I'd be so engrossed in it that I wouldn't have time to be superficial.
    It still is... Really.
    I just feel a bit embarassed by it. I....
    I don't know. It seems so childish.
    But it's addictive and fun.....
    I don't know what to think.
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