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  • I'm sorry.....................
    But... That's not as sincere as it could be.. If I was 100% sorry I wouldn't be bring it up again and I wouldn't be asking for answers. Buuuut, If I feel bad and regret it that means I do feel sorry.. But I don't..... Then why does this make me feel like a horrible person? Is this normal or right? Is my curiosity going to destroy something else in my life?.. Curiosity killed the cat.. But who's the cat.. Me or you?....
    No, I has better idea... *takes out guitar he somehow magically learned to play*
    #Well, the world is facing problems getting bigger every day,
    They've got a greenhouse over Texas and recession's on the way,
    Although people tell you that this planet's dying fast,
    Well, I ain't seen a problem yet can't be solved by kicking ass...#
    I'm just saying most of the things that would bug a normal person...... Your not exactly normal (You're extra-ordinary), but some of these things would bug anybody, like the moving away of a good friend....

    And now I'm out of things to guess. Nobody got hurt... But you got hurt enough emotionaly to begin crying/sobbing.... So what could it be?......
    Did it happen again? Was it a bad grade, bullying? Harassment, a friend moved away? Dumped by a boyfriend? Did you lose a pet?
    You don't need to answer, but I needed to get that off my chest. XP
    ^^ Please, no thanks necessary. You're meh fwiend. A damn good one too :D

    Noooo, they're chocolate chip. Doggies can't eat chocolate, they'll get ill D: Twas... uh... Notory. Yeah, that's it! Her!
    Well if you do need to talk about it then I'm here for you, and willing to take it to PM if you're uncomfortable here :) But just expect a continuing stream of sad faces and hugs.

    Well, you'll have me til old age, cos since you're a girl and younger than me, you'll probably last a bit longer than I, what with the shortage of testosterone. :D
    Mikepuppies tend to be ^^ I'm still not sure how niceness alone cuts it though, since I've no idea what to say to comfort you and am afraid to say anything I do come up with for fear of upsetting you further.

    And don't worry, I promise you'll always have me at least. ^^
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