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  • Surely it's just Senor Music though. In this instance Music is a name and therefore shouldn't change.
    *thinks of more Fry&Laurie catchphrases to force you to translate*
    Is it really or did you make that up? =) What about "if you'll pardon the pun"? Or "please Mr Music, will you play?"? Or "you've got three hands there"? XD
    =D It goddamn hurt though. Meh, I'm a boy, it's not like I could cry or anything.
    Curse you weather >=(
    Inorite? D:
    They did say they could stop it and try again some other time when I wouldn't die of pain, but I wanted it ooooooooout D:
    Yeah, have done since forevar.
    The toe op was a bitch though... they had to cut a nail out when the anaesthetic WASN'T WORKING.
    Oh, that's not so bad :D Still, being ill suuuuucks.
    I've been in at least once since I was ten for an asthma attack. And I had a toenail operation but that wasn't in a hostipal.
    Aww... poor colleague D:
    At least my thing was one time and then it was over with, and wasn't too bad despite what you'd think, but to keep going in as you implied that you do... *hugs*
    Mine walked in and kept asking for whisky. xD
    Can't remember if that was for one of my asthma attacks or the thing I don't want to bring up. Pretty sure it was the latter.
    Wow. Nobody I know outside t'Internet knows I go on forums (they'd be all OMG PAEDOS!1!111!!!1!one!1). Except one or two of my friends who know I talk to "forum geeks".
    I gave him a badger! 8D
    Edmund Blackvegetable? No thanks. xD Aaaaanyway, 'twas all in good fun.
    Oh THAT tablet ^^ I thought you meant, like, medicine. xD
    Cool, she does? Does she know who I am, then? 8D
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