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  • Ugh, but it's months away!!
    Say... suppose I cryogenically froze myself until summer break? It works in Sci-Fi movies!
    It related to pitchforks. Anyway..
    Do you realize you have almost 2500 visitor messages? We really talk waay too much! xD
    Nope. Not saying it.
    Aww.. Well, I know something really disturbing I could say to freak you out.. but it's disgusting. So I won't.
    Yeah, I just tried to edit a post and Firefox just did that thing where it 'loads' for about an hour then says "there, a blank screen, that's close enough to what you wanted". About three times. =/
    I'm shy to the point where you could probably punch me in the face and I'd do nothing about it and carry on as normal without a word. xD That's happened a few times, but the punching guy was this annoying twat who hangs out with me and my friend Connor and thinks we like him. He's a total pussy so it feels rather like being headbutted by a small insect. XD
    Because it's reeeeaaaallllyyyyy fun to say! And it get my mom mad. Like, we'll be having dinner...

    Mom: Oh darn, the pie I made burnt!
    Mom: NO!
    Probably not. Thought that may just be my reluctance to accept that there's anything positive about me speaking =) I'm actually rather shy, but if you get to know me then I'm about as friendly as I am on t'Internet ^//^

    Baaah. Is it just me or is TCoD really laggy atm?
    Yeah.. I've met that kind of people. They annoy me too, and we're both the same religion!
    Yup :D I really like talking with you.
    It's hard to imagine you being like that with anyone, though. You usually seem really friendly and cheerful :)
    I'd still rather not have m'colleague telling me to bugger off. :)
    In any case, whatever offline Typh is like I love online Typh. She's cool and fun and awesome :D
    That's OK ^^
    I'm kinda glad that portal between your cupboard and my wardrobe isn't really there. XD
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