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  • Ohhh.
    I'm sorry m'colleague, in the context I assumed you were. *hugs you and rubs his face*
    Anyway, I dunno where you can find such people, for any purpose. (But if you DID mean t'other thing, you would so have come to the wrong person for advice :3)
    Then why are you so eager to meet people who are not hyperlinks and are opposite to your schoolmates enough to date them?
    On the pull: (adj. maybe) to have the intention to, or attempt to, hook up with someone.

    (Talking like a dictionary is fuuuuuuun :D)
    Go right ahead. ^^

    Uh.. No, yes, yes. I'm a Christian.. although I do get bashed for that too. So.. yeah. For being religious/a tomboy/unfashionable/Twilight hating. So... yeah. Luckily, there's Maddy and my other friends, so I don't go completely crazy.
    Some are better~
    (Not that I'm trying to force the YOU HAVE TO HAVE RELATIONSHIPS TO BE HAPPY GRRR thing on you, which would be savagely hypocritical given how viciously I decry it. And we are after all talking facetiously about a hyperlink. XD)
    My school has all of those. I'm reeeally social, but people tell me I have a unibrow or something, I get mad, then they complain about what an antisocial freak I am. What.The. Heck?!
    And the hyperlink doesn't go to your school. Nor does everybody in the entire world. Therefore your previous assertion was quite incorrect.
    Same here. It's not that bad (except freaking stupid math), but it's just so repetitive!
    I'm all 8D about lots of things, it doesn't mean I want to date them.
    I'm Mike. I can't and don't want to ever date anything. :)
    Cos we are more awesome than anywhere else and consequently have to wait longer for video games.

    ...so where did this whole "you should go out with a hyperlink" thing come from anyway?
    It's spring break, I did a few pretty good drawings today..
    I didn't implode.. :DD
    Before it was a question. Now it's not a question. That can't be what you meant. Try again.
    (Also you bastard, it's not even out in Europe yet D:)
    Well then could you please form a question that details what exactly you are asking "well" to? :3
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