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Thanks for All the Fish

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  • Maybe they're brothers.
    And that's quite a cunning pic you drew there ^^ Well done m'colleague.
    But yeah, after that and "¿Donde esta la burro?" I'm pretty much done. xD Oh, and "¿Que?". Fawlty Towers has taught me well.
    Sorry for the abrupt leave. My parents booted me off the comp to do adult things...
    No, it's not what you think. They had to pay bills and read e-mails and stuff. XD
    Then there was dinner and here I am, back again. ^.^
    Yeah.. my mom's like that about the internet in general. In her mind, if I don't know them in real life, they're most definitely a psycho stalker/axe murderer/rapist. With no exceptions. Ever.
    Well, it depends on the camp. In some, there are no activities and we just hang out. Or we fish, go swimming, archery, or whatever activities are available in that particular camp. And skits and all that fun stuff. ^^
    Sure. Next campout, I'm kidnapping you and taking you with me! xD
    Never mind. Paremecium can't talk anyways. XP
    Something like a writer, huh? I'd like to read a story you've written. Like, right now if you please. :3
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