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  • Yeah, basically a bar in England. :3
    Quite surprised you've never heard of one really, even for a Merican.
    pub (noun): tavern consisting of a building with a bar and public rooms; often provides light meals
    ...3:42am. O.o

    S'OK though, my laptop's battery's gonna cut out any minute now :3 I've got work in, like, six hours and everything... xD
    Well, it was kinda stale. Too much so to eat.
    But it was still epic. I won. xD
    Sadly, no.
    And then I got yelled at for destroying a perfectly good breadstick. xD
    That'd probably be a lot like me in that phone conversation actually xD
    Well, I've never tried checking to see if I'm pregnant, so...

    Last Halloween I had a breadstick vs. bug net duel with this one kid at camp. IT WAS INCREDIBLE! Greek goddess with a breadstick vs. zombie fisherman with a net. xD
    A WHAT

    Me: “Thank you for calling Gift Card Support, this is ****. Can I have your name, please?”

    Customer: “Oh! Uh! You don’t have an automated service?”

    Me: “I’m sorry sir… what do you mean?”

    Customer: “Automated service–a recording answering the call, and not an actual person.”

    Me: “No, sir. How can I help you today?”

    Customer: “Uh, um… I don’t want to deal with a real person, I want a recording.”

    Me: “Sorry sir, but all you have is me. Do you want to check the balance on your card?”

    Customer: *voice trembling* “You know what? Never mind, I was expecting this to be an automated service.” *click*

    Is it just me or is that really "awww"-worthy? :3
    Uh.. you are looney. Very. I am too. We both should be locked up.
    But crazy people have the most fun!! :DD
    Read a what? :o

    (A dad and two little kids–one boy and one girl–are buying books. Both of the kids were paying with gift cards.)

    Customer: “… and you have your late great grandma Miriam to thank for all these books!”

    Customer’s little boy: *happily, to coworker* “She’s DEAD!”
    Why, what kind of filth do you think I should be looking at?
    ...don't answer that, m'colleague. And most importantly don't take it seriously. xD

    ...that WAS from America, right? Surely there are 300 guns and 8000 bullets per square yard. (Please don't shoot me for saying that. o.o)
    Good. Because it comes up with 80,000,000 results. 7,433,201 of them are pretty damn hot.
    Yes, but it does destroy your faith in humanity somewhat.
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