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  • Hi Typh. ^.^
    I thirst for voilence..... I must write something completly gory. Have you ever felt like this? It's kinda freaking me out.
    Why do you think that people become so closed minded about things like this? I'm subject to rejection and hate at school because my IQ is higher. Grar, I'm not just a brain, I'm a human with feelings... They hurt my feelings a lot...

    Sorry, had a mini rant there...

    This has always confused me greatly... -__- I hate being confused....
    *nods* Good advice. And no, I'm not against bis or gays. I do feel that it would be dangerose and irresponsible to show it strongly in public (IE: making out and anything above it), but that's it.
    I don't think you're a stalker.. What would give them that idea?
    What were you going to suggest? I need all the help I can get on this one. :)
    YAYS! Daddy came home! I asked him to play Baba O'Reily. He immediatly knew what it was to my delight. :)
    I like that song, the synthisiser is perfect and the drums are awesome. Scratch that, The Who's drums are always awesome. There's just so much energy behind them.
    Aw, I'm to lazy to count. |3
    I was higher up than I expected though. Around page six or five. XD I checked page eleven first thinking I would be around there.
    Nice to be pleasently surprised.
    I can get sarcasm.... If it's said out loud... If it's just text there might need to be some indicator other than the message itself.
    Anyways... Where did you get that? Is there a list? OOOOH, WHERE AM I ?? 8D
    I know the definition of those two thing seperately....
    Heeee, I can't differentiate between real and fake anger. It's like how some people can't sense irony or sarcasm. XD
    Say you're sorry. -__-
    Me? What did I say?

    Sorry about that Typh... Do you take "crazy" or "insane" as compliments? Me and my real life friends do so it's kinda natural for me to comment using either of those words. Sorry for any misunderstandings. ^.^;;;;;;
    Aw, you wern't quiet enough...
    Shut-up Notory. -__-
    Typh, I ment that as a compliment!
    Didn't seem like it. :)
    Feh, I think of crazy as good. I'm crazy. *shrugs*
    Nobody! :D
    *pushes Notory away* Eheheh, No. House survived! Because he's all immortal and stuff! Oh, you me and Notory survived to.
    That sounds better that my version. ^.^
    Don't give Typh any nightmares. She's already crazy.
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