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  • Sorry!!! It's not that I don't like it, but... I dunno, I just find it awkward to eat it that way.
    Once upon a time there was a giant Meteor. It's name was Joe. Joe was not a happy Meteor, he felt that his life had no meaning. He floated through the solar system unsure of what to do..... Untill he saw Earth.
    "To smitherines with Earth!" He bellowed joyfuly. His purpose was to rewrite the history of this planet. He barreled twards Earth with surprising speed.

    Earth got hit. Thus the apochaleps began.

    Yeah, that + pancake + Nutella + bananas = ewwwww.

    Can I tell you something you'll probably kill me for, m'colleague?
    Wait, I have to throw you up Typh?
    Yes. Didn't you know that?
    Ugh, I can't do it. REWIND!!

    fzzzzzzzzzzzp! Everything returned to the way it was before Edibility time!

    Hi Typh! :D
    Mmm, rubbish pancakes~ (That is, pancakes with actual rubbish on. Not pancakes that aren't very good. xD)
    Well, they're not the nicest of pancakes. But crazy Nutella addicts can't be choosers, m'colleague.
    Yeah, sure. Just come out of my belly. I feel like I'm pregnant.
    You don't know what pregnant feels like.
    Neither do you...... KYA COME ON TYPH. This is sooo creepy.....
    Ne'er mind, I've thrown t'bottle in t'bin now.

    *just had some Nutella, banana and rubbish pancakes*
    Guuuh, I've got indegestion... What did I eat?
    O.O..... Typh... Are you in there?.....
    Okay, Phew! Stay away from the stomach acids Typh! I'm gonna see if I can get you out.

    And so began the journey to the inside of Notory!
    From an empty DP bottle? o.O

    Anyway, no offense m'colleague, but I'm not sure how much more damaged your brain can get. You are insane =)
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