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  • Ah ^^ I thought of being a comedy writer once... but nah, that's not gonna happen ^^ *looks at you with a subliminal "give me a pancake" look on his face*

    And the first one :3
    D: *pats you on the head* Aw, you've been funny before! Unless you did it without trying :3

    Y'know, I always thought it'd be cool to have a Victorian Blackadder. Other than Blackadder's Christmas Carol. Despite the fact the only episode I can think of is something or other involving Jack the Ripper... xD
    Naaah, you're thinking of Sense and Senility :3 The one where you can't say MacBeth.


    We got in rather quick cause my grandmom abused - I mean used - a wheelchair.

    But it broke before we got into the boat. D:
    The all-girls school lesbian protest thing.

    I think I mighta tried a churro in Disney. I forget.
    I know.

    I'm in an all-girls school. A lot of girls there (including one of my friends) have boyfriends. If that doesn't tell you anything...then you're completely oblivious. XP

    It's just a stupid excuse as to why the schools are successful. Heck, my MOM went to an all-girls school. If she was a lesbian, I wouldn't be typing this here today.

    As for those idiots on Gaia who think "Oh look here's an all-girls school roleplay you HAVE to be bi or lesbian!!!"

    One of these days I'm gonna apply as a straight girl and see what happens.
    Not really.

    Unless the belief that it is actually possible for a girl in an all-girl high school to actually be straight has a following.
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