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    MIKE's STUPIDITY fell!

    I think that's the sort of thing I expected from you, really :D
    AArgh! I don't wanna die!
    I'm actually feeling all right..

    Ah :3

    And that didn't really give away much at all, considering I don't know what you mean. xD
    Uh.. Voli has a gaping flesh wound. Shouldn't we be-?
    DO NOT!
    Yeah, you really do-
    SHUT THE HECK U- *faints*
    Stuffing s-?
    *Rips out knifewrench and clubs E over the head with it*
    Eew.. brain matter. o.O
    An oversized tennis ball..? Would you care to rephrase that..? o.O
    You just arbitrarily picked a number, didn't you?
    Through my other, good eye. This one! *points to it*

    *sneezes; head swings forward and finger goes through eyeball*
    No, I think I mean "through" as in... *squelching noise accompanied by a stabbing finger motion*
    Naaah, if it were PG-13 it's have some form of censor and it ****ing well doesn't. Or does it? Haha, that's discombobulated you, hasn't it? HASN'T IT?! *runs away laughing*

    ...whoa, I got a bit too far into that o.O;; Anyway, I don't really know. Your fanfic, your call :3 And I'm not going to impale you, even if it's so bad I want to put my finger through my eye and into my brain and swirl it around. I'd never kill a friend/fellow comedy junkie :3

    (And even if I have established that the forum is over PG-13, don't tell me. xD)
    I take it I do not want to know what you were going to say before getting shot. xD

    And yup I do :3 Have done since I was 9/10. My current pair only have rims over the top part of the lenses, and therefore are great.
    I know it's not. xD But then I did finally clean my glasses today, so that might have something to do with it. xD

    Speaking of avatars, I think it's time I dressed mine up. Nobody should ever have to see me running across the sea with nothing on. Nobody.
    Fair enough :D Anyway, ABOFAL + RandomTyphoon definitely makes me a happy fanatic. :3

    On a random side note, I've just noticed your avatar doesn't contain a horse. It looks sort of like one out of the corner of my eye, which I guess is how I always look at it. xD
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