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    Er.. I'm only covering you eyes, Voli.
    I almost died when Hugh started singing... then when Stephen came on, the dying sequence was terminated. And the cards were great.

    And hey, don't worry, there are worse things to be than an ABOFAL fangirl~ Like somebody who doesn't watch ABOFAL. Thatd be an awful thing to be.
    Oh, Mr Burmy is excellent~ I saw the last three seconds of it in an advert for ABOFAL, when Stephen is just sitting there stroking the dog, and I immediately HAD to watch it. Incidentally that was the very first ABOFAL episode I ever watched, then went straight out to Oxford and got the box set~

    And no, you can't make me choose, I forbid you D: There are too many good ones.

    Berent's Cocoa (with the old man who's 92 years old and never had oral sex), the greetings card one, The Chosen One, Mr Burmy, the one right at the end of the last series where Hugh's the kid on the games console (bugger up the arse of Level Nine with an angle poised lamp!!!), the one where Hugh sings "Hey Jude" in the uber squeaky voice, The Word "Gay"... it's just all too funny.
    Oh, where Hugh's name is Mr Nippl-e?

    Or the one where they get a letter from a Peter Comeinmyear or something like that?
    Which skit specifically? I must've seen it, what with having the complete boxset, but it's kinda hard to pin that sentence to the one skit. :3
    Not yet m'colleague, still plotting an epically epic name for it~

    And at the same time pondering beginning a new sprite comic besides knowing damn well it'll never, ever work.
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