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  • *drenches a pancake in Nutella, scatters banana flavoured jewels from your crown onto it and flings it to you* Enjoy! ^^
    Oh yeah =3 Nah, I'm not so much into crime dramas. Though I do play an abnormal amount of Phoenix Wright.

    Happy Pancake Day, btw :D
    Morse Code, or some other reading material known as Morse that hasn't been brought to my attention?

    I dunno, milord. Probably just us two. Maybe Dannichu.

    Though I think there was a Monty Python club at the old TCoD which got quite a bit of interest.
    Eaugh, our bally accents? Yes, they are spiffing rather, aren't they, wot ho guv'na? Spot of tea, croquet, Rule Brittania, spirit of the Blitz and all that.

    Nah, we don't all sound posh. In fact, I'm pretty damn common. Though Americans are supposed to like British accents. Apparently they're quite a catch~

    You don't have pancake day? D: It's better known as Shrove Tuesday or something. It's all about eating up all the pancake ingredients before Lent, or something.

    Come to think of it, it's in a few days I think... :D Don't worry, England has no other redeeming features.
    ^^ Makes sure you give him his pills. And don't let his family visit him, it's important that he feels unloved and a burden on society.

    I always finish off the jar with a spoon after pancake day's over x3 Just one spoonful at a time, whenever I think I can sneak one or just really really need chocolate.
    Ooh, thankies *munches on it happily* I <3 Nutella. We have it on pancake day with bananas. And pancakes.

    How's your old man, by the way?
    Because that's boooooooooooring D:

    I need some kind of awesome name. Like, the Ultra Super Duper Terrifying Club of Doom with Added Cookies.
    That's good to hear ^^ Have another edible crown.

    And I've been thinking for some time of starting up a British comedy fan club... but I'm not sure what to call it.
    Aw, I'm sorry D: How are you feeling now?

    :o Awesome. I shall store them away and read them when I'm feeling less incredibly lazy. Thank you :3 And I don't think we so much need a support group as maybe some kind of fan club. :D
    Sweet. So, Other-Guy is the people in your avatar? Speaking of which, I seriously need to draw me and E. Whoa, that rhymes!
    No. She's the Marill looking one. I'm the Eevee-ish one. But I do have awesome sunglasses.
    Y'Know, It'd be cooler if you said "shades".
    Shut up.
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