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  • I was thinking the same thing in reverse.. So, we're two peas in a pod! Two.. uh... melty candy bars in a plastic bag being carried around by a creepy old guy. Or something. >>
    Oh, yes you are. That's what makes you interesting! That, and the cool avatars. And putting up with my shenanigans. And- *shot*
    Argh, now it's stuck in my head. Except I only know the first three words and the melody..
    Don't eat it! It's made of polymascotfoamalate!
    Great, now I'm quoting homestarrunner.com. >>
    I'm not grossed out by anything, ever, but creeped out is different.
    Man! Want me to come to your school and glare at them menacingly for you? :D
    You should, and then we can give you a massive on-line group hug!
    I have no idea.. I never really though of that. I guess you could check the wikipedia article.. but don't if you're easily grossed out. You might puke your pants. Somehow.
    No, I mean they pose them like they're still alive, with still-living family members, but they're very obviously OH CRAP ARE YOU SERIOUS?! o.o
    Two words; Post-Mortem.Photography. Exactly what it-
    Ugh.. ow.. that's three w-
    *drops a cinderblock out the window on his head*
    I think not drinking during comedy shows is a handy rule of thumb. :3

    Wow, I made an accidental pun!
    I know your pain. Once I laughed tea up my nose while watching One Foot in the Grave... it's lucky it wasn't a very hot cup o.O
    Is that a "Basil the Rat" reference?


    I nearly fell out of my seat laughing :D
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