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  • Ohhhh, I see xD

    And like I said before, I often finish off the pot from Pancake Day with a spoon anyway~
    You mean it's been done? D'oh.

    In other news, I tried to buy some pancakes and Nutella today, but the only ones I could find were the smallest things in the entire universe. So I just got a jar of Nutella to eat with a spoon ^^

    Then there's the "thought up one line and buggered off" pile, some of which I think could be good... like one where a really rough family are in a really posh restaurant, and the waiter does that thing where they pour a bit of wine into the glass so you can taste it before they fill it right up. But instead the guy looks at it all "wtf?2 for a second, says "don't give very good measures here, do they?" and downs it.
    A few I've thought up a reasonable amount for... like one where a guy goes to a police station to apply for a job, and all the officers get really jumpy... like he asks one a question and the officer gets really defensive and starts jabbering on about an alibi, and the guy says he'd like to join the vce squad and one officer says "OH GAWD, IT'S A RAID!", opens a cupboard and hurries some women from therein outside. And at the end he's taken into a room to fill in some forms, and the police all breathe a sigh of relief and one says "gorblimey, I think we got away wit that one..."

    Sorta hard to explain in writing really :3
    True that.

    I more specialise in sketches where thinking of comedy things are concerned... I also specialise in thinking up a single line and then never getting round to thinking up anything properly.

    So, Blackadder makes some marzipan, but Lieutentant George puts Bearnaise sauce on it?
    Sure, I expect so, if you work at it :3 And try to make each episode longer than Stab and Stability was. xD
    Nah, I most certainly am, because that'd mean me amounting to anything much, which I most certainly shall not do. Nah, I'll just be a tramp for 40 years then go off and join your retirement home with all the Phoenix Wright GIFs I've given you. :3
    Oh.. erm.. I'm in the US too.. o.o Meant no offense.. ^^; Actually thought you were in England for some reason. I've a lot of problem with this country though. >< Moving out to England when I can I know. I just finished telling Mike about how I basically had to eat some typical American food when my relatives came to visit and got terribly sick from it. So fatty and disgusting. :/
    I get BBC America, but that's the limit to any foreign TV I can catch. And American programming sucks generally. House is brilliant as ever though - But hey, Hugh Laurie is British himself! d: (Plus he's absolute <3 ~ )
    Hugh Laurie. He was on the plane next to Rachel in the one where Ross gets married to Emily.
    Oh. Sorry, I thought Blackadder was 19... what number was it?

    And sure why not ^^ I'd haveto keep Friends in there, somewhere. But Family Guy... no, gtfo.
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